Mar 15, 2010

RIP Peter Graves

Actor Peter Graves, has passed away at the age of 83 of natural causes. After a long career, from which he was most famously known for his roles as Jim Phelps (Mission Impossible 1967-73 & 1988-1990) and Cpt Clarence Oveur (Airplane!), Peter was also a long-running host of the Biography series. His last big-screen role was in Men in Black II (2002).

He won a Golden Globe in 1971 for his role as Jim Phelps and a Primetime Emmy as host of A&E's Biography in 1997. He was also honoured in 2009 with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Rest in Peace.


  1. Man... he looks stunning! Even at that age! I sure hope I'd age gracefully. :)

  2. this was a few year earlier beb.. .. but still a looker i guess .
